Saturday, December 24, 2011

Know about the manufacturing details of your Nokia phone.

You can know the manufacturing details of our Nokia phones such as whether it is Original,bad or fair.

All you have to do is check the IMEI no. of your mobile.
The IMEI(International Mobile Equipment Identity) is a unique 15-digit serial number of the Mobile.
Dial *#06# to see the IMEI number of your mobile.
Now Check out the 7th and 8th digits of the IMEI number. If it is:
00- Original.
01- Manufactured in Finland(Good Quality).
02- Bad Quality.
08- Manufactured in Germany(Fair Quality).
13- Manufactured in Azerbaijan(Bad Quality).

Merry Christmas.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Know on which platform a server Is running i.e. linux/Windows/Mac ?

To know whether a server is running on Linux/Windows/Mac platform, we have to just ping the website. If,
TTL<64--> Server Running on Linux Platform.
128>TTL>64--> Server Running on Windows Platform.
TTL>128--> Server Running on Mac Platform.

TTL(Time To Live): It is the expiration value of DNS data. It is specified in seconds.

e.g. If we want to know on which platform the GOOGLE web server is Running, we just have to:

Go to START-->RUN-->CMD-->Type ping

As the TTL<64, the GOOGLE web server is running on Linux Platform.

In this way we can check every website and know on which Platform these web servers are Running.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How to crack IDM manually?

Before we can proceed, let me tell you All the credit goes to the guys of
This Post is for the Sophisticated Downloaders and it will help you if your IDM has run out of 30 days period or you have Inserted some Invalid Key and your Key has been Blacklisted.

Lets Get Started.
  • Open IDM and Click On Registration Tab on the Menu Bar and select Registration.
  • The Registration Dialog Box will appear. Fill out the general Info, You can give your actual or factual details, its your choice.

    Now Fill out the Serial Number Box with any of the Keys mentioned below.


    Click On OK.
  • As expected this Dialog Box will appear.

    Don't get panic, this is exactly what we want.
  • Half of our work is done. Now proceed to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc directory. Right Click On hosts file and select Take Ownership if you are using Windows 7 and if you are using XP or vista, then no problem.
  • Open the hosts file in Notepad and Paste these following lines:

    It will look like this:
  • Save the hosts file and Open your IDM, Tada!! A fully functional IDM.
If problem still persists, then reboot the computer(It is not necessary though).

Happy Downloading *__*

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Play the g00d old Dos Games in Windows 7.

The New Tech. has certainly changed the whole gaming experience compared to what we used to have in the 90's. The modern day games are more than just games, they are just like the other things such as sleeping,eating and now gaming. But we can't forget the good old days when we used to fight with our friends, siblings, parents just to play once more. Prince,dave,skyroads,,man those were awesome.

Well Windows 7 doesn't support the DOS games and literally we can't play, as the full screen mode is not supported. But we can play the DOS games by using a 3rd party Software.
Let's play.
Download this software: DOSBOX. It is an x86 emulator.
Now Download your favorite DOS games from the link below.

In this context I will show you How to play Prince? (Coz its my favorite. :D)

  • Create a New Folder in C: say it as OldGames.
  • Extract the .zip DOS game files to the folder OldGames.
  • Run DOSBOX.
  • Type MOUNT C C:\OldGames
  • Type C: and then go to the folder.
  • Start the Game by typing prince.exe or whatever the file is.
Press ALT+ENTER to toggle Full Screen.

Take a look at the screenshots below:

Happy GAMING. *_*

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Installing Various Operating System and Kits in Pen-Drive.

Don't think any thing, Just go the link below and download the Universal USB Installer Software.

Universal USB Installer

Note: Do check this Link from time to time because it gets updated as soon as any new Operating System or Kits are launched.

Now as half the work is done, its time to get ready with your respective ISO and Pen-Drive.
Just follow the On-screen Instructions and you will do just fine. But be careful while selecting the Pen-Drive.

In this context I will show How to install Backtrack 4r2 in USB. Its OK, ya go on laughing I don't have the latest version of Backtrack, I will download later.

Remember that the name of the .iso file should be exact as it is shown, if not then change the name to same else it will not detect the .iso file.

Now just Boot your System via Pen-Drive.

Turn your dumb Scroll Lock to a Network Indicator.

As we know most of the keyboard Num Lock and Scroll Lock are used once in a blue moon, so why not use the LED's of num and scroll lock as Network Indicators as Incoming and Outgoing Packets.
There is a cool Tool called Network-Lights. Download from the link below:

Just extract and run the utility and it will adjust itself in the System Tray.

If you want to change the Settings then you can all do it in Settings.

I will certainly not recommend this to the laptop users as the Num lock is mostly embedded with the letters, so it becomes difficult to type but you can give it a try once.

Latest Facebook SPAM !!



Don't click on these links, if you come across while browsing Facebook. These are the latest FB SPAMS. One of the most irritating thing is that, the link is posted to your friends WALL. It targets mainly the profiles of your friends to whom you mostly interact.

Literally, this is the most interesting SPAM I have seen on Facebook. There may be more stuff like this, I came across these two similar kind of SPAM.

P.S. Don't Click the Links or similar types.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Send e-mail from windows using windows script hosting.

Let me think...Yes it will definitely come in handy. No need to open gmail or yahoo or some other email clients to send an e-mail. If you are having an Internet Connection which is even slower than the ants crawling in the walls or you are having a bad day and you some important stuffs to send, then definitely this script will do your Job.

Copy the below code to notepad and save it as email.wsf

<script language="VBScript">
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next

Const fromEmail = ""
Const password = "007ismypassword"

Dim emailObj, emailConfig
Set emailObj = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
emailObj.From = ""
emailObj.To = ""
emailObj.Subject = "Test Email"
emailObj.TextBody = "It Works!!"

Set emailConfig = emailObj.Configuration
emailConfig.Fields("") = ""
emailConfig.Fields("") = 465
emailConfig.Fields("") = 2
emailConfig.Fields("") = 1
emailConfig.Fields("") = true
emailConfig.Fields("") = fromEmail
emailConfig.Fields("") = password
Set emailobj = nothing
Set emailConfig = nothing

Replace your email address with the code marked in  italics accordingly.
This script is to send an email from gmail and all the settings are according to it. So if you want to send from other email clients, then accordingly set the smtp address.

Enjoy. Happy scripting.

Get a copy of what you've shared on Facebook.

I know most of you would have tried this and downloaded. Well for starters, Facebook has provided a very good facility of Downloading your complete information what you've shared or posted until now in an archive format.
Go to your Facebook Account -> Account Settings -> General.
On General TAB, you can see the option Download Your data,,blah blah blah, Click on it and wait for sometime. Well don't wait, go and have some snacks and facebook will archive it and send the download link to your primary email address.

Click on the link you received, then enter your password.

Good you are ready to go and don't forget to share the archive with me. :P

Sunday, October 23, 2011

All about Internet Relay Chat(IRC)

IRC basically is a group chat or we can say more like a conference.It has many facilities like we can also have personal chats and send files option.

Installing an IRC client.

There are many IRC clients to opt for like chatzilla,mirc and many more.Here I am using chatzilla as IRC client and will show how to install and use it.

Note:Chatzilla is just an Add-on,it mainly works on web browsers.I am using mozilla firefox here as web browser.For those who use chrome chatzilla Add-on is also available.

Step 1: Download Chatzilla(345 KB Only)- A Firefox Add-On from The Link Below:

Step 2: Now Open Chatzilla.If ur using latest Version of Mozilla then Go to Options->Check Mark On Menubar.

Step 3: Go to Tools->Chatzilla
Step4: Give any Unique Nickname.

So this is it for now,we will come to chatzilla again after going through some basic IRC commands.

Basic IRC Commands

These are some basic IRC commands you should know to keep you from wondering while chatting with other users in IRC channels.
  • /HELP [optional command name] : This command is used to know how a particular command works. e.g. /help whois and these information will be displayed.
    Displays information about the user , including 'real name', server connected to, idle time, and signon time. Note that some servers will lie about the idle time. The correct idle time can usually be obtained by using |wii| instead of |whois|.If you don't know any particular command or forgot just type the initial letter. e.g /help w and you will see all the commands which starts with 'w'
  • /SERVER new-server-hostname : It is used to join a particular server. e.g /server and these will be displayed indicating that you are connected successfully to that particular server.
    *** Please wait while we scan your connection for open proxies...
    === *** Looking up your hostname...
    === *** Checking ident...
    === *** Couldn't resolve your hostname; using your IP address instead
    === *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
    === Welcome to the GeekShed IRC Network gamer!~chatzilla@
  • /NICK new-nickname :It is used to change your nickname in instant. e.g /nick acegamer YOU are now known as acegamer.
  • /LIST : Lists IRC channels, number of users, and topic for each. This is how you find places to go meet people and chat. e.g /list This server has 1238 channels. Listing them all will probably take a long time, and may lead to ChatZilla becoming unresponsive or being disconnected by the server.[List Channels]. This happens because there are lots of channels,i suggest just note some of the channels which you find useful on this server.
  • /NAMES #channel-name : It lists all the nicks who are online in that particular channel. e.g /names #friendz it didn't worked for me though,try it and let me know if you come up with anything.
  • /WHOIS nickname : It displays the complete info of the nick. e.g /whois acegamer === acegamer <~chatzilla@E7FE9BE1.770A8BA.C8CB93DB.IP> "Mohan- Assistant System Engineer"
    === acegamer is connecting from *@
    === acegamer: member of #friendz
    === acegamer: attached to "Sponsored by Phil"
    === acegamer: idle for 27 seconds (on since 23 October 2011 12:21:32)
    --- End of WHOIS information for acegamer.
  • /AWAY away-message-here : It means that you are away for some work and presently not here right now. e.g /away I'm not here right now.You are now marked as away (I'm not here right now.). Click the nickname button or use the |/back| command to return from being away.
  • /QUIT [optional farewell message] : Quits the channel,server and closes the chatzilla client. e.g /quit byee catch you guys later. The message is displayed to your friends.

Chatting on IRC

As we have an overall idea of all the basic commands,now its time to join a channel and start chatting.
I have created my own channel #friendz on the server and you all may join.
  • Connecting to the server: /server
  • Joining the channel : /join #friendz
  • Now you can see all the users are currently online and you will also see the operators and owner of the channel in different colour dots.Start chatting by typing.
Some commands and tips to improve your chatting in IRC channels
  • /is : This is used to refer you as a 3rd person. e.g /me is listening to The Rembrandts-I will be there for you. acegamer is listening to The Rembrandts-I will be there for you.
  • If you want to mention a particular person then just type the initials then press TAB. e.g Ja press TAB JamesBond:
  • /leave : It is used to leave a particular channel e.g /leave #friendz
So these are some basic things for you to remember and do have fun in IRC's.
I have not mentioned some other commands like private conversation,operator commands,etc. In my next post i will discuss more about IRC like how to register your nickname,create a channel,add a bot and much more.

These are some of the channels worth joining:
channel: #backtrack-linux

channel: #hak5
and you may also join my channel:
channel: #friendz

WARNING:Though IRC is informative and fun,but please be careful and respect others in the channels or else you will be kicked or banned from that server.Dont' chat irrelevant topics. e.g on that backtrack-linux channel is only meant for backtrack related stuffs. Please go through all the server rules before joining to a particular channel.

Good Luck And Have Fun.

For more details, visit

Change XP user's password,even if you are not an admin.

GO to RUN->Type CMD. Now Type:net user .
A list with all the accounts name will be shown.Now type
net user accountname * e.g. net user peter *
Now enter the password.The password of user peter is now changed. :D

Remotely Shutdown other user's computer who are connected in the same network.

Go to RUN -> CMD
Type: shutdown -i. A remote shutdown window will appear.Now enter the usernames in the box.You can directly add or browse the user names.
Choose the appropriate choice from the list i.e shutdown,restart or in appropriate shutdown.Click OK

Note:According to my experience,this will not work in the networks where there are network administrators. I have tried this in my college network and failed.
But it works in the home and office networks.Try it and let me know if anything works for you.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Experience the features of Windows 8 by installing it in Virtual Machine.

Let me tell you first,you should know that the user experience of windows 8 is gonna be completely different from the other previous version of windows.
Just after Microsoft launched Vista Edition, most users were completely burned out because despite of the looks and features it was never better than the good old XP and pretty much the same case in case of windows 7 too.So if that makes you already hate windows 8, i suggest you to try it,learn it,figure it out and then judge it because when it comes to technology the last thing you wanna do is to become resistant to the changes or else you will be left behind before experiencing any.

So according to my suggestion before you try any new softwares,first install it in a Virtual Machine so that it doesn't screw up your system.

A Virtual Machine is a software platform which supports the execution of a complete Operating system.

So lets get started.

Step 1-Gathering the required softwares

We gonna install windows 8 in a virtual environment using Virtual Box. So here is the Download link for Virtual Box:-

After downloading Virtual Box, we will now download windows 8.The download link is below:-

Windows 8

After downloading both these softwares lets proceed to the next step.

Step 2:Installing Virtual Box and setting up the virtual environment

  • Install Virtual Box just like any other software.
  • After Installation,Run the Software.
  • Now Click on New and create a new Virual Machine.
  • In the Name Section Type win8 and in the OS type choose Windows 7 or Windows 7(64-bit) depending upon your computer,and click next.
  • Now set the memory to at least 2GB or 2048 MB if you can,and click on next.
  • Create a new hard disk and click on next
  • In the hard disk storage type choose Fixed-size storage and then next
  • Give the location of your virtual hard disk and make sure the size of the virtual hard disk must be of 20GB and then click next and finish
wait for some time for the hard drive to get formatted.

Step 3:Installing Windows 8 in the virtual machine

  • Select the virtual machine win8 and click on settings.
  • Now Click on Storage and then in the Storage type under IDE Controller,click on the CD and change its location to the windows 8 iso image that you have just downloaded.Click OK.
  • Click On Start.This will go through the installation process and make sure to choose Custom instead of upgrade and select the virtual hard disk.

This is it,Enjoy Exploring the new windows 8.
If you have any doubt then ask me.Leave your Comments. Thank You.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Let your PC greet you with a welcome Tone.

Most of us must have seen the updates in facebook about know whether your computer is male/female?? Well i have just put it in a better format,as we have no interest in listening the same stuff again and again.
So here is the code,open notepad and paste it:

strtxt="Welcome Have A Nice DAY."
set ObjVoice=CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
ObjVoice.Speak strtxt 

and save it with .vbs extension.lets say greet.vbs
Now go to Startup Manager,you can search it in the start menu itself(in windows 7).Click on Add button and give some name and in the target section,click on find,then select greet.vbs from the desired location.
Everytime you log-in,it will greet you. Comment and let me know.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Experience 3D view of your desktop.

Tired viewing the same lifeless desktop over and over.Well then download this beautiful software.
BUMPTOP: It enhances your desktop with some pretty cool 3D views and the most interesting part is that it obeys basic physics laws. So enough explaining just go ahead and download from the link below.
Explore yourself.
Download BumpTop.
wait for sometime download will begin automatically.

Take a look at my desktop screenshot.

How to post blank status in facebook?

Yep its true, facebook has a glitch and this enable us to post blank status in it. Well lets do it.
Type: "@[0:0: ]" without the quotes in your status bar. Now you are good to go.
Enjoy Posting blank. :P

Watch starwars in command prompt.

Go to:
1.Run type cmd.
2.Type: "telnet" without quotes.
Wait for sometime then it will kick off. Enjoy watching. :D

Note:Internet Connection is required. If you are using windows 7 then you have to enable Telnet manually.

Go To: Control Panel-->Programs and features-->On the left panel click on "Turn Windows feature On or Off"-->wait for sometime,after finishing loading of all the services-->Check on Telnet Client.-->click Ok.
Now telnet is enabled.

How to make private folder in windows.

By making a folder private in windows you are making sure that it remains private i.e it cannot be viewed,copied or deleted without proper rights. Lets see how we can do it?
Go to CMD:
Type: "cacls newfolder /E /P everyone:n" without quotes.
Now the folder "newfolder" is private,no one can view,copy or delete it.
If you want to reverse the process then Type: "cacls newfolder /E /P everyone:f" without quotes.
Now its back to previous state.

CACLS(Modify Discretionary Access Control List). cacls is now depreciated and icacls is used. Check its various options and workings by typing "cacls /?" or "icacls /?"

5 useful firfox Add-ons you must have.

Fed up with the adds while surfing the web.Well this add-on is a life saver,surf smart,elegant and faster with this add-on.It blocks most of the adds. Note: If during browsing if it takes unusual time to open a web-site then click on the icon and select the option "Disable on this page"or "Disable on"
My personal favourite.It reveals the domain IP address,Server Location and much more,in other words it drives the domain naked. :P
Browser backgrounds
You must be having desktop backgrounds,what about your browser??fed up with the white screen ,install this add-on and have your favourite backgrounds .

Read it later
Mark the webpages to read later.
Skips unnecessary pages on various sites.Whenever there are unnecessary pages and superflous links skipscreen will be there to take care.

My Firefox Browser with all the Installed add-ons.

How to install windows 7 from USB stick via CMD.

1. Go To Run--- Type DISKPART.
 A list will be shown....... e.g. DISK 0 ,DISK 1, DISK2
 mark your pendrive disk .....
you can know your pendrive by seeing the size.
3.Type SELECT DISK 1/2/3 ........depending what it shows for your pen-drive in your system. 
4.Type CLEAN.

wait for  some minutes..

8. Type ACTIVE.
9. Type ASSIGN.
10.Type EXIT.
Now Copy all the files from windows 7 dvd to your USB Stick.

One more step,now that you have copied all the files,go to the boot folder and copy bootsect.exe and paste it in the root of your pen-drive.

NOTE: Diskpart works only in Vista and Windows-7.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

How to hide important datas behind pictures??

So you are just another user who has too many accounts and mostly you like to save your username and passwords in some text file.Here's the thing you can hide the text file in some random image. This Concept is called as STEGANOGRAPHY.   
Go To: RUN->type cmd-> type: "copy /b my.jpg+new.txt secret.jpg" --without quotes -->enter.
A new secret.jpg will be created.To view your .txt file just open this image in notepad.


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